Listen to the good stuff Best-selling audiobooks

Best-selling Audiobooks, exclusive Audible Originals, popular podcasts, and more. Always find the best of what you're into.

What you get

Your free, 30-day trial comes with:
1 credit (2 credits for Prime members), good for any premium selection titles you like—yours to keep.

The Audible Plus Catalog of podcasts, audio-books, guided wellness, and Audible Originals. Listen all you want, no credits needed.

A friendly email reminder before your trial ends.

How much does Audible cost?

Plans start at $7.95 per month after free trial. No commitments, cancel anytime.
Audible Plus $7.95/month: listen all you want to thousands of included titles in the Plus Catalog.
Audible Premium Plus $14.95/month: includes the Plus Catalog + 1 credit per month for any premium selection title.
Audible Premium Plus Annual $149.50/year: includes the Plus Catalog + 12 credits a year for any premium selection titles.

                                     What is included with my Audible membership ?

Premium Plus members get credit(s) good for any titles in our premium selection (1 credit = 1 title.)
Premium Plus members get access to exclusive sales as well as 30% off all additional premium selection purchases.
All members can listen all they want to thousands of included audiobooks, podcasts, originals, and more in the Plus Catalog.
*Number of credits vary based on your membership plan. Credits expire after one year.

Do I have to commit for any period of time?

There are no commitments. You can easily cancel your membership at anytime. All titles taken during trial and purchased with a credit are yours to keep forever. You will get an email reminder at least 7 days before your trial ends.


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